Pieter De Mulder

Aerodynamics engineer

The air flows around us effortlessly. We often even ignore its existence, as seen in practically every problem in a physics textbook. Yet, that same air can have an enormous impact on moving vehicles, especially at high speeds. I've always found this phenomenon incredibly fascinating. From a young age, I've been deeply intrigued by science and innovation. It was already written in the stars that I would become an engineer. As soon as I discovered the world of aerodynamics, I knew I had found my calling.

I'm also the kind of person who loves to challenge myself, always eager to learn and grow. So, when I graduated, I couldn't think of a better opportunity than joining the Solar Team. Designing, producing, and testing a solar car with 21 other engineering students, and then racing it in Australia, sounded like music to my ears and the perfect challenge for a newly minted engineer.

Enzo Ferrari once said, "Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines." Perhaps this is why Ferrari hasn't won a Formula 1 title in the last 16 years.


Pieter De Mulder

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