Ward Vanhulle

High voltage engineer

Ever since the start of my engineering studies, I have been fascinated by the Solar Team. Now having graduated and carrying the urge to finalize my education with this fascinating experience, I applied for this challenging journey.

This solar project adds a lot of value to the drive for more energy-efficient and sustainable technologies, making the world a better place. Apart from enriching my knowledge, hard and soft skills, my wish is to drive innovation and break through renewable technology's boundaries.

Within the team, I fulfil the role of high voltage engineer and together with Louis, we will always pursue the latest innovative trends regarding solar cells, batteries, and electric motors. By implementing the newest technology, we will improve the performance and efficiency of our car.

In the end, building a highly competitive car with a group of extremely ambitious and committed fellow students is a once-in-a-lifetime experience!


Ward Vanhulle

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